
到一步步track sample DNA的量
再到沒完沒了的titrate每一步enzymetic reaction

前天lab meeting上還要被捲毛嗆說:你們要不要考慮換一個strategy??應該有更容易和方便的方法做
(捲毛是我們實驗室一個大陸postdoc 除了實驗之外 最厲害就是拍老闆馬屁,對同事落井下石以彰顯自己的能力 是我在進這個實驗室第二個月後就開始完全不跟他講話 並且無視他的人)
雖然很生氣 可是因為自己的確是沒做出東西來(titration的圖再漂亮也沒用)
只能默默忍氣吞聲 聽他在那邊大放厥詞對我們說教:
重點是要做出東西來 你中間多suffer struggle多久 沒有人care....(以下省略一千字)

眼看我只剩下一個月能完成我的research paper
只好一邊不甘心的做last shot 一邊設計新的方法

我只想趕快寫完我的research paper然後離開這個鬼地方!!!

恭喜Kie上了Texas A&M

From Wikipedia:
马萨诸塞大学University of Massachusetts)是美国马萨诸塞州的一所高等学府,始建于1863年,由马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校马萨诸塞大学医学院五个校区组成,在校学生约6万。
The University of Massachusetts Worcester, also known as UMass Medical School, is one of the fastest growing academic health science centers in the country and is home to the School of Medicine (SOM) — the Commonwealth’s only public medical school — the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS), the Graduate School of Nursing (GSN), and a research enterprise that attracts more than $200 million in external funding annually.[21]
Located in the heart of Central Massachusetts on a 63-acre campus it shares with clinical partner UMass Memorial Health Care, the region’s premier health care delivery system and largest employer, UMass Medical consistently ranks near the top in U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of best medical schools.[22]
The work of UMass Medical researcher and 2006 Nobel Prize winner Craig Mello, Ph.D., an investigator of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute, toward the discovery of RNA interference has launched a promising new field of research. The school is also the future home of the Albert Sherman Center, an interdisciplinary, research and education facility that will foster collaboration among scientists and innovation across disciplines.[23]
Michael F. Collins, MD, FACP is the chancellor of the UMass Medical School campus.[24]

    research paper

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